Die virtuelle Alternative zu Stift und Papier – mit unserem digitalen Whiteboard werden auch Sie papierlos glücklich. Mehr über die aktuellen Funktionen und konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele finden Sie in unserem Blog.
Interaction in virtual space
Whether creating moderation cards or your own notes: Use the whiteboard together with your clients.
Video call and video chat
Video chat allows you to communicate or exchange messages face-to-face.
More free space
The digital whiteboard knows no limits and offers enough space for your consultation thanks to the zoom function.
Safe results
The current status of the whiteboard can be saved and also reconstructed at any time.
No installation necessary
You and your clients simply enter the coachingspace via the browser - without installation on the PC.
Send invitation link
Send your clients the link to the consultation and get started right away.
Video tutorial
Discover the digital whiteboard
Efficient. Secure. Flexible. Our digital tools.
Constellation board
For a professional analysis of interpersonal relationships: As a central element of systemic consulting, the system board is naturally part of our solution.
Impulse cards
Bild-, Foto- und Motivkarten gehören zum Standardrepertoire jedes Coaches und dürfen somit auch in unserem digitalen Methodenkoffer nicht fehlen.
Inner Team
With the Inner Team you help your clients to communicate clearly and authentically - with other people and with themselves.
Together, more is possible. The digital notepad is the collaborative tool for editing texts, practice sheets or brainstorming - ideal for writing-based online consulting.
Positioning maps
Versatile and the perfect choice for an optimal introduction to conversations and reflections - especially suitable for online trainings as well.
Video conference
There is no substitute for a face-to-face consultation. That's why DSGVO-compliant video conferencing is integrated into each of our methods.