Ready to rethink your online consulting?

Secure video conferencing, digital tool case and convenient client management combined in one solution. That is coachingspace.

For consulting, coaching and training

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One solution, many advantages: With coachingspace, we transfer established methods and tools into the digital age - including convenient client management and DSGVO-compliant video conferencing.
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Secure and data protection compliant
coachingspace is developed and hosted in Germany. Because we do not compromise on the protection of your data.
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Efficient. Secure. Flexible. Our digital tools.

Constellation board
For a professional analysis of interpersonal relationships: As a central element of systemic consulting, the system board is naturally part of our solution.
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Impulse cards
Bild-, Foto- und Motivkarten gehören zum Standardrepertoire jedes Coaches und dürfen somit auch in unserem digitalen Methodenkoffer nicht fehlen.
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Inner Team
With the Inner Team you help your clients to communicate clearly and authentically - with other people and with themselves.
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Together, more is possible. The digital notepad is the collaborative tool for editing texts, practice sheets or brainstorming - ideal for writing-based online consulting.
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Positioning maps
Versatile and the perfect choice for an optimal introduction to conversations and reflections - especially suitable for online trainings as well.
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Video conference
There is no substitute for a face-to-face consultation. That's why DSGVO-compliant video conferencing is integrated into each of our methods.
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The classic for your sketches, diagrams or graphics. With the virtual whiteboard you can formulate thoughts and share them virtually.
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Trainings and workshops

Would you like to learn more about the diverse possibilities of our all-in-one solution? Visit one of our free product trainings! Here, coachingspace Managing Director Benjamin Lambeck will be happy to answer all your questions and show you how coachingspace can also take your online consulting to a new level.

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Free video tutorials

Eine Lösung, viele Vorteile – coachingspace bietet Ihnen zahlreiche Funktionen und Methoden für eine professionelle Online-Beratung. Was Sie genau erwartet und wie Sie coachingspace optimal für sich nutzen? Das zeigt Ihnen Gründer Benjamin Lambeck in unseren informativen Videotutorials.

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This is coachingspace

Wir sind überzeugt: Online-Coaching ist weit mehr als eine Ergänzung zur analogen Beratung. Es bietet völlig neue Möglichkeiten. Möglichkeiten, die Sie für sich erkennen und nutzen können – gerne gemeinsam mit uns.

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